
السبت، 25 أبريل 2020

يقول بن عياش The pigeon made me cry and flew away

the best of nature photo

يقول بن عياش ابكاني الحمام وطار
ينوح فوق الغصن رجع لي لهم طاري
هيض بجوفي نار بركان قديم وثار
يكمن في خفى روحي دسيته مع اسراري
انا لولا عيون ساره ما اسكب دمع مدرار
ولا مشيت بالقفرا هاجر لأجلها داري
وانا في حبها صابر وعلقم ذايقه وامرار
ونا لاجلها ساهر وعن غيره فلا داري
الا يا زمن اقفى ليته يمنا يندار
وترجع حلوات الايام يوم كنا صغاري
ياعبيد انا ولفي جزاني بالصدر منشار
هجرني وفرى جوفي ورماني وسط اعصاري
لاح الشيب في راسي وضاح صاحت الانذار
قرب موتي على عمري ذبيح بكف جزاري
ليتك عمري ياساره حذره والوشاة كثار
فلا تطيعين حسيدي وعاذل غريب الاطواري
لو ابعدوني عنك او الموت الثاني اختار
لان حياتي بدونك جهنم ريحها ناري
انا خوفي تناسيني وغرامي فيك والاذكار
دخيلك ياصبا روحي تجنبني الاخطاري
ابي احتمل حبك ولا بحبك شيل اوزار
وانا صابر على الفرقى لوتذبل منك ازهاري
انا لولاك ما ادري الحب ولا سائل بها وش صار
ولا راقبت نجم الليل ولا سريت مع الساري
اذا قالوا عقل عاشق غريرو مخطي الافكار
فانا اقول ياربعي بها ما ينوخذ ثاري
The pigeons made me cry and flew over the branch, wailing, and their memory returned to me
The fire of an ancient volcano rose in my heart and erupted
It lies hidden in my soul, which I have hidden with my secrets
If it weren't for my beloved's eyes, I wouldn't shed tears
Nor did I walk in the desert, abandon my home for the sake of my beloved
I am patiently in love with her, and I taste bitter gall
I am awake for her sake and am not interested in anyone else
Oh, time has gone from us, I wish it would turn towards us
And the sweet days come back when we were children
My friend, my beloved rewarded me with the chest
He abandoned me, fled, and threw me into the middle of a hurricane
The gray hairs in my head appeared white, shouting like a warning
My death is near, my life has been sacrificed with the palm of a butcher
I wish you were careful, my love, and there are many snitches
Do not obey the Hasidic and the eccentric
If they keep me away from you or death, I choose the latter
Because my life without you is hell that smells like fire
I am afraid you will forget me, my love for you and the remembrance
Please, love of my soul, spare me from dangers
I bear your love and there is no burden of sin in your love
I am patient with separation, lest my flowers wither from you
If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know love or ask what happened
I did not watch the night star nor did I walk with the night
If they say the mind of a lover is jealous, he is the maker of thoughts
So I say, people, that my blood is permissible for her

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