قالت هل وصلتك رسالتي ,انت لم ترد عليها
صمتك اثار ريبتي ام اصابك الهلع القديم
هل كانت رسالتي مربكه
ها انا اقرأها مرة بعد مره
ها انا ارد واعترف بارتباك حروفي
على لوحة المفاتيح تركت اصابعي مخدره
كيف لي ان اقول وظنونك تحاصرني مثل زرقة السماء
مالذي يفعله منفي مقيد يغمره التوق
قدر له ان يكون ذو حساسية مفرطه
لقد تمنى ان يكون بليدا او ساذجا او مجنون
ليجد بعدا بعيدا عن اوجاعه المتراميه
متثره مبعثره تطوف حوله مثل اوراقه الفوضويه
يبحث عن حل لتوق طافر الوجع
الكلمات والوصايا والكتب والانتظارات
زادته على ماقال سابقا من نزف
ما الايات التي تطمئن لهن الغزالة
بحثت في معاجم العالم فلم اجد سوى القسم بيمين قاطع
عرفتيه فما بدله فكر ولم ينقلب عليه قلب
ايتها الوردة البريه الناشئة في اعالي الجبال
اعيذك من ضوضأة الكبت وتنامي الاعجاز
رسائلي صحراء تجر عطشها صوب النهر
النهر الخائف المرتاب من عطشي
للتو عرفني الليل فكان رفيقي الابدي
للتو جالسة وحدتي وتحدثنا عنك بكل عناق
تشاركنا كلماتك وصورك واغانيك بهدوئنا البعيد
جئنا في حيرة عاجزين عن الاجوبه
وها نحن نرحل مع الضباب نحو الغموض العميق الآخاذ
She said, "Did you receive my message? You did not respond to it."
This silence of yours has aroused my suspicion, or has the old panic afflicted you?
Was my message confusing?
And here I am, reading it over and over again
Here I respond and admit that my letters are confused
On the keyboard I left my fingers numb
How can I say when your suspicions surround me like the blue of the sky?
What can a chained exile, overwhelmed by longing, do?
He is destined to be extremely sensitive
He wished he were stubborn, naive, or crazy
To find a distance away from his expanding pain
Scattered, scattered, floating around him like chaotic leaves
He searches for a solution to his overwhelming longing and pain
Words, commandments, books, and expectations
It increased the amount of bleeding that was mentioned previously
What are the verses that reassure the deer?
I searched the world's dictionaries and found nothing but a decisive oath
You knew him, but his thoughts did not change him, and no heart turned against him
O wild rose growing high in the mountains
I seek refuge in you from the noise of repression and the growing miracle
My letters are a desert dragging its thirst towards the river
The river is afraid and suspicious of my thirst
The night just knew me and was my eternal companion
And just now, I was sitting with my unit and we talked about you with great affection
My unit and I share your words, pictures, and songs in our distant calm
We were confused and unable to find answers
And here we are leaving with the fog towards the depth vagueness Fascinating
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