
الخميس، 3 ديسمبر 2020

اكثر من تنهيدة ــــــــ more than a sigh

كان لأبي بئر ماء عذب لم يبني حوله سور , من اجل ان تشرب منه القرية والعابرون وامرأة عمياء


كنت اقول له انني بخير

لا ادري كيف اقولها الآن

اخي الذي افتقدته منذ شهرين , لا زال يسألني كيف حالك


كانت تنهيده

غابت في ظلها الصرخه

حين لامست نظرتك جرحي


هزيم وارف , اين كان ؟

هذا الصدى قديم جدا

يجر بعضه

وبعضه لم يصل بعد


موحشة هذه الامكنه

حين لا اجدك


كانت قريبه جدا على مسافة سماء لازورديه

كانت بيننا رسائل مؤجله , بينما الساعي استحال غيمة قرمزيه يشبه الغيبه الاخيرة للشمس


انها تشبه القصة يا صديقي التبدو غامضه وتنتهي بالدهشه


افكر بك

شيء ما يعيدني , كلما خطوة الى الامام خطوه

انت تعيقني دون ان تدرك

هكذا بلا سبب , احببتك

ان اصفك بالطبيعه , غير جائز

غير عادل

افكر بك

كما لو انني اعيش لأجلك

افكر بك

وانا احمل كل اخفاقاتي , افكر بك


ما بين رعيت ودير الغزال , على طول هذا الطريق , حملتني على صدرها اغنية , ما فطمت منها ابدا


احيانا اجدك كما لو انك انتظرتي اكتمال القمر , لتخرجين من خدرك وتلقين على جمهرة الليل قصيدة من نور , احيانا اجدك عاريه تشتكين برودة الفراش , احيانأ اجدك تقفين عند ناصية الحقل ككرزة وحيده تقول للنحل هيت لك , احيانا لا اجدك ابدا , فأصرخ كهزيم الرعد , اين انت ِ


لم يحرك رأسه , كان قلبه يرتجف , عينه تفتش السماء , يبحث عن باب لا تستند صواريه الى الارض , الارض عقاب , الارض قاتله


هذا الشتاء كان ممطرا , عندما جئت ابحث عنك ِ , وجدتك بين الاسماء التي تقطن بالي , وجدتك وحيده بين السنابل ,

شاحبه , تشبيه ضوء شمعه , هزتها الرياح , اطفأها الحنين ,


ظن انه لن يعود

غاب وغاب وغاب

رغم كل هذا يتعجب ! ا تعيدني اغنيه الى اليهم حيث لحظات الغياب و النزف


عندما غادروا , تركوا كل شيء وصدورنا مفتوحه , حتى غزانا الوجع على صهوة الريح


ما يجرحك هذا البحر ؟

لا والله ، تجرحني هذي النوارس

ما يجرحك موج الشواطي ؟

لا ، تجرحني هذي الكراسي

وش بعد يجرحك ؟

كل الابواب المغلقه ، ودرب الرحيل

وش بعد ؟

هذا الصدى

عاد بعويل مثل البكى

كيف يبحر بك غيابك ؟

قلت اعسف دمعتين


ربما لن تأتي ابدا , عليك ان تغمض عينيك على اللحظه الاخيره , افتح عينيك للسهر ,فقط حينها يتردم قلبك , اردفه على متن الليل و النجوم معك والغيمة , امض حيث لا يسألونك عن هذا المسجى


لا تنتظر احدا , الطريق خاليا يا صديقي , كل اللذين يحبونك , رحلوا عبره , حوافه لا تنبت ورودا , بعضها كانت مالحه , انظر الى شحوب الشاخصات , لا تحمل سوى كلمتين , مروا من هنا , لا تنتظر احدا , ربما تفرع الطريق , ربما الاوان فات ,ربما تأخرت


لا يدري ما يريد منه الضوء

الضوء الذي يحاول ان يرى ذلك اليندس عنه


الجمعه التي بنت سلما نحو السماء , لازال صوتي يصعد الدرج يحمل حفنتين على هيئة دعاء


جميل ان تبدأ من التردم الى التلاشي

تقول السماء للغيم


يحدث احيانا لفرط الانتظار تسأل , ثم ماذا؟

ثم تسأل الليل عن الترحال , عن اللذين يشبهونك فقط


تتابع حياتك كمن يترقب النجاة


على الرصيف , ترك فردة حذاءه تنتظر , فيما هو يركض بالاخرى يبحث عن امه

قالوا له هي الآن في السماء

فصنع لها طائرة ورقيه

لتنزل بها امي


من سبب الشيب لك ؟ قال تنهيده


لا استطيع ان الفظ اسمك هكذا حاف


قال انه لا يشعر بالتعب , حمل جراحه ومضى

-My father had a fresh water well, around which he had not built a wall, so that the village, passers-by, and a blind woman could drink from it.


I was telling him I was fine

I don't know how to say it now

My brother, whom I missed two months ago, still asks me how I am


It was a sigh

The scream disappeared in her shadow

When your look touched my wound


A loud sound of thunder, where was it?

This echo is very old

He drags some of it

Some of it hasn't arrived yet


These places are lonely and scary

When I can't find you


It was very close, within the distance of an azure sky

It was between us

Postponed letters, while the postman turned into a crimson cloud resembling the final setting of the sun


It's like a story, my friend. It seems mysterious and ends with amazement


I think about you

Something brings me back, every time I take a step forward

You are holding me back without realizing it

So for no reason

  , loved you

To describe you as normal is not permissible

Not fair

I think about you

As if I live for you

I think about you

As I carry all my failures, I think of you


Between the village and the monastery, the gazelle, along this road, carried a song on its chest that I never weaned from.


Sometimes I find you as if you had waited for the full moon to emerge from your numbness and recite to the crowd of the night a poem of light. Sometimes I find you naked and complaining of the coldness of the bed. Sometimes I find you standing at the corner of the field like a lone cherry saying to the bees, “Here you go.” Sometimes I do not find you at all, so I scream like a crash of thunder, where are you? You


He did not move his head, his heart was trembling, his eyes were searching the sky, searching for a door whose pillars were not supported by the earth. The earth is an punishment, the earth is his killer.


This winter was rainy. When I came looking for you, I found you among the names that live in my mind. I found you alone among the ears of corn.

Pale, like the light of a candle, shaken by the wind, extinguished by nostalgia,


He thought he wouldn't come back

Missed, missed, missed

Despite all this, he is surprised! Does a song bring me back to them, where there are moments of absence and bleeding?


The first glance towards your fading features is like the last embrace of a mirror. Your roots are far away and this dirt is strange.

He who lives in you asks you, Where are you taking me?


When they left, they left everything and our chests open, until pain invaded us on the back of the wind


Does this sea hurt you?

No, by God, these seagulls hurt me

Do beach waves hurt you?

No, these chairs hurt me

What else will hurt you?

All closed doors, and the path of departure

What next?

This echo

He came back with a wail like a cry

How does your absence carry you?

I said, taming two tears


Maybe you will never come. You have to close your eyes at the last moment. Open your eyes to stay up late. Only then will your heart ache. Ride it on board the night, with the stars and the cloud with you. Go where they don’t ask you about this night.


Do not wait for anyone. The road is empty, my friend. All those who love you have left across it. Its edges do not grow roses. Some of them were salty. Look at the paleness of the signs. They only carry two words. Pass by here. Do not wait for anyone. Perhaps the road has forked. Perhaps it is too late. Maybe you're late


He doesn't know what the light wants from him

The light that tries to see the one that hides from it

the shadow


The Friday that built a ladder towards the sky, my voice still ascends the stairs carrying two handfuls in the form of a prayer


It's nice to start from fading to fading

The sky says to the clouds


Sometimes there is excessive waiting and you ask, then what?

Then you ask the night about traveling, about only those who look like you


You continue your life as if you are waiting for salvation


On the sidewalk, he left one shoe waiting, while he ran with the other shoe, looking for his mother

They told him she is now in heaven

So he made her a kite

Let my mother take it down


Who caused your gray hair? He said the reasons for his sigh


I can't pronounce your name like that


He said he did not feel tired, so he carried his wounds and left


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