
السبت، 25 فبراير 2017

حكاية الورد ـــــــ The rose's story



الورد الذي يقطر على الكاس دمه
من علمه يسكب دموعه بلا صوت

هو الذي نادى وانا جيت اشمه
اسقيته وداد ونبض قلبي له القوت

كفكف اشواكه عن يدي وسط كمه
ضميته ووصيت به شجرة التوت

اقفيت عنه وطير النيا جا يخمه
جزه قطاف والبحر ماحمى عنبرالحوت

يا هيه يالموت ياللي بي ترحلون يمه
هاكـــم عمر وردو لي الـــورده من الموت

Roses whose blood drips on the cup
Who taught her to pour out her tears without a sound

He called me and I came to smell him
I gave him my love and fed him my heartbeat

He hid his thorns from hurting my hand in the middle of his sleeve
I held it to my chest and recommended it to the mulberry tree

I left him and the parting bird came to him
He wanted to extract it and replace it with whale amber

O you, O death, O those who take me to Him
I give you my life and bring me back the rose from death

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