
الخميس، 2 مارس 2023

لتكونين كما تشائين

 لتكونين كما تشائين , واطرفي عيني , الا اني ابوح بسري لعامة الناس 

هذا التوق كيف اثنيه عن عصر قلبي , من يقنع الشغف حتى يدرك تعبي

انا غير ظنونك التي تعرفين , وددت ان اطرق ابواب قلاعك القصيه

لو احصيت انسكابي عددت قصائدي التي بكت تحت ناظرك الاثمد

نحن غرباء يشدنا اليه الغيم فننهمر معه , ثم لا يسألون عن اسباب الديم

امطرت مع الشفق , وحيث لاحت الغيمات شبيهات وجنتيك

استظلني قلبي واستجار 

فمن يجير من 

الافانين يغشاها الهديل والتناهيد تقاسيمها انين والحفيف نايات خريف

ياجلالتي يا نت ِ مع الوجد استقرضت عشرين عاما لتشيب ناصيتي

نحن انا وقلبي غيم لكنه لا يؤول الى التلاشي ولا قلبك لرتمنا يستجيب

الأربعاء، 1 مارس 2023

على الهامش On the Marginal

عقل ال
Why does crying come with the rain?
Why do I cry when the clouds fall?
The sound of rain stirs up my longing heart
When nostalgia overwhelms me, I have no patience
I no longer look for an excuse when they ask me why you are crying
When they ask me, they know my tears will fall
  When they talk about oppression, they know the causes of my eyes
Alone, my love, don't ask me why I cried
But she knows that my path is difficult and bumpy
  Tired and most of the roads are dark
I did not complain about the causes of my suffering
It is enough for me that God knows about it, and I do not complain to anyone other than God
There are no tricks in my hands... but there is oppression in my chest
  Parting is painful, my beautiful lady
I didn't find an easy way for you
Even staying up late at night doesn't get me to you
  I was hoping to satisfy the longing of my eyes by looking at you
I feel like I have been satisfied with love
I do not wish you my suffering
A little of my sadness, if you live it, you will be destroyed
I loved listening to your words and feeling that they were flowers
Even the thorns become soft when I walk towards you
Even the wounds you left in my heart, I love them
Then I say, O God, forgive my beloved, for she does not know

I had a dream, I don't know where it disappeared, my hope

One late night, I fell asleep and suddenly woke up

I forgot my name and I forgot where I am

This is how my dream left and borrowed my name

He left me homeless, without a pillow that could hold my head

How do I know they are calling me?

Pen, paper and poem


Who took your eyes away from me, O good one?

From the farthest parts of the light of my soul from me

He was gone and I don't know why he was gone

It is only present in pictures and books

  My heart companion was gone and some of my heart went with him

Even the beautiful things left with him

Even my old friends remind me of him

Where did he accompany you, my love?

Those waves are born in my soul

They grow on the shores of those they love

When the waves shout, his voice is hidden in my chest

As if my chest were the horizon

I no longer know my name until they call you

I no longer know the smell of flowers until they point to you

I no longer know the letters until the mail travels to you

Even the ink glows when he writes to you

But the hair is mixed with pain

The eye is watchful, watching your specter

She is bleeding from the depths of insomnia

As if she was drowning in the harbor

Don't you think the sun is shining?

  But twilight did not find us

It shines through your face

Your cheeks are like mirrors of purity

When did the promise of your hearts die, O departed one?

The good ones are compassionate

Heartache is not enough to make us cry

My eyes fell asleep with sore eyelids

And the door of my sadness was not filled with anyone who knocked

Traveling was hard on me

  The letters were epic

When will you come to me with now and the caravan?

When do the tragedies end? The soul burns

It may be a salvation for me, but I do not want to be saved

I am escaping from drowning to drowning

When does joy come?

Even security says separation is enough

Hug me , O joys

I am neither a poet nor a writer, I am the one who carries half a heart and half a soul

Pen, paper and poem

الثلاثاء، 28 فبراير 2023

حبك جاني كالوفودي Your love comes to me like a delegation

حبك جاني كالوفودي        
      اسقيته من القلب وازهر 
في اسفاري في وجودي         
          ربيته واليوم اثمر
هذي ضلوعي لك جنودي      
      حراسك ياريم وشطر
يامن لوصلي ودودي         
    لأجلك على الدهر نصبر
لو سبق ظرفي وعودي      
             او سبقني او تأخر
عذرتيني بلا شهودي        
        وقلتي من الواش احذر
عينك عيت لا تنودي       
            ولقيتك كالنجم تسهر
بالوفاء ترفع بنودي            
         ولدرب ملفاي تنظر
انتي يادنيا سعودي              
         وعلا ج لحظ تعثر
ياكل احساسي وزودي        
           ياقضاء لقبي مقدر
من دونك عمري زهودي   
      وعن امرار الوقت سكر
اكرم من مزن ورعودي    
    وخصاب وربيع الاخضر
والذ من عسل بشهودي      
     واغلى من ماسه ومرمر
في الهجاير لي برودي       
        والدفا من حبك اشعر
كيف اجزاكي ياعنودي     
              يا فلك ذري ونور


Your love comes to me like a delegation

       I watered it from the heart and it blossomed

In my travels, in my presence

           I raised it and today it bore fruit

These my ribs are your soldiers

       Your guards, my love, are brave

Oh, you would have been friendly to me

     For your sake, we will be patient forever

If my circumstances preceded my promises

              Either he preceded me or he was late

You excuse me without witnesses

         And you told the informant to be careful

Your eyes are tired and do not call

             I found you staying up like a star

With fulfillment, my items will be lifted

          And you shall look for the path of my coming

You are a happy world

          And a cure for a stumble

You are my everything and my supply

            Oh my heart is destined

Without you, my life is ascetic

       And you are about the bitterness of time

More honorable than clouds and thunder

     And fertility and spring green

And more delicious than honey with honey

      And more precious than diamonds and alabaster

In the heat, you are my coldness

         And I feel the warmth of your love

How can I reward you, my stubborn one?

               O orbit of atomic light

امنية صغيره A small wish

A small wish
My love says why do you insist on being sensible?
I see no reason for your crying
You tell me, my love, that you make me tired
I never told her about my suffering
I don't know how she knew my madness
I wrote under a pseudonym, so she recognized me and said, “You.”
She said I know the way you moan
I am confused by the poet, the madman, and the writer
But I am not in love with my heart
I wished I was a seagull carried by the wind on its shoulder
She wished to be a butterfly in the desert.
But no roses grow in the desert
If a rose lives in thirst, its life will be short
My wish and her wish was one short and happy life

حبيبتي تقول لماذا تصر ان تكون عاقلا 

لا ارى  أي مبرر لبكاءك

تقول لي حبيبتي انك تزيد تعبي

انا لم اخبرها ابدا عن معاناتي 

لا ادري هي كيف عرفت جنوني 

كتبت باسم مستعار ,فعرفتني وقالت انت

وقالت اني اعرف طريقتك بالانين 

انا في حيرة الشاعر والمجنون والكاتب 

لكنني لست في حبرة من قلبي

تمنيبت ان اكون نورس تحملني الريح على كتفها

وهي تمنت ان تكون فراشة في الصحراء.

لكن لا ورود تنبت في الصحراء

وان عاشت وردة في العطش سيكون عمرها قصير 

فكانت امنيتي وامنيتها عمر واحد قصير وسعيد 


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