مافكت قيود ارواحنا منا
ولنا اجساد تلفانه
على دروب تايهه فينا
على الملقى لنا تنهيدة وونا
انسان يسأل انسانه
اذا جينا وتلاقينا
وهل يمكن يموت الموت وينتهي رحيلنا منا
Our Wishes
The shackles of our souls have not been released from us
And we have damaged bodies
On lost paths within us
A sigh and a groan are upon us
A human being asks another human being
If we come and meet
Is it possible that death will die and our departure from us will end
Our Wishes
We meet and this is Our Beginning in New Life
ردحذفIs this not what We wanted?