كفى اعتذارك في الغياب السرمدي عبر السنين
منذ الآمد ناديتك عبر نبض الاورده
هلا سئلتي عني في نبض الوتين
وهل يستحيل الحرف دمعه تمطره السماء
هذه القصائد قد ملت طعم البكاء
ملح تأجج في شواطىء بحر الحب فاحرقنا اصطلاء
عودي كما العيد الاول من دون اضاحي
اني اكتفيت بالنذور قصائد ترثي العناء
هلا سئلتي وجهك الوضاء في عيوني ماهذا الضياء
شمس تقيم في فؤادي
وضحاها سواد عيني
ويحاصرني ليل الغياب
في رداء الاسئله
كفى اعتذارك
ملت عيوني الارصفه
ملت عيوني من انتظارك بالصدف فوق الشوارع
والمباني والمدارس والمرايا وصخور الاوديه
تعبت اقدامي في طرق ساعي البريد
متى اجيء عائدا
او ليت لي قلب ٌ بليد
او ثلج يذوب في وريدي
ياليت لي جسد جليد
كفى اعتذارك
وهل ترين
ان الاقامه في تخوم الانتظار مجديه
كفى اعتذارك واقبلي كالغيم حطي في يدي
اني ارفعها دعاء
Enough of your apology in the eternal absence through the years
Since long ago I called you through the pulse of the veins
Will you ask me about me in the pulse of the heart
Is it impossible for the letter to be a tear that the sky rains
These poems have grown tired of the taste of crying
Salt flared on the shores of the sea of love, so it burned us with its warmth
Come back like the first Eid without sacrifices
I am satisfied with vows, poems that mourn the suffering
Will you ask your radiant face in my eyes, what is this light?
A sun that resides in my heart
And its brightness is the blackness of my eyes
And the night of absence besieges me
In the cloak of questions
Enough of your apology
My eyes are tired of the sidewalks
My eyes are tired of waiting for you by chance above the streets
And the buildings and schools and mirrors and the rocks of the valleys
My feet are tired in the paths of the postman
When will I come back
Or if only I had a dull heart
Or snow that melts in my veins
If only I had a body of ice
Enough of your apology
And will You see
That staying in the borders of waiting is useful
Enough of your apologies and accept like a cloud and put in my hand
I raise it as a prayer
We do not apologize for Divine Timing
ردحذفBe blessed
On the shoulder of promises we carry our hopes And in the midst of longing we outpace the wind
حذفI pass by your face Wipe away the darkness of my miserable night And from the melody of your voice are the quiet songs
O silver moon perfumed with the fragrance of April The lights will bring you in their caravans And you are their comfort and their victory
Blessed be God, the best of creators
And in passing, did you wipe Our tears away? Or only thinking of your own did you hold your sorrows and woes.
حذفYes, Bless be to I...for I Am the Great I Am. Great Father, Son and The Holy Ghost of Trinity IS the greatest of Creators
حذفThe sad have a captivating attraction and I would like to snatch your sadness and embrace it I will be happy when I see you smile I will look at you with joy while you laugh like a little girl running after the butterfly of April and May And I am certain in your kind heart that it is ready to give joy And I am certain that your soul will blossom with overwhelming joy Glory be to He who created you
Then I do not know in which month your fields will bloom, but you will certainly bloom with them, a beautiful and captivating spirit and fragrance.