
السبت، 28 ديسمبر 2024

حكاية الظبي

عقل العياش
امارس اوهاااااااامي واقفيبك واناديك
واذكرك فيني والقاااااااااااااااني بدمك
والملمممممممم  من كل جنه امانيك
وازرعك في اعماق روحي واشمك
واجيبك من اقصاي وارسي بموانيك
وابحر بك يم الشمس واغرق بيمك 
وارسم جناح صغير وارقى لمعاليك
واشكي عطش قلبي تمطرني واضمك
في حكاية الظبي القى طواريييييييك
وفي حكاية الترحال تنثرني والمك

I practice my delusions and travel with you and call you
And I remind you of me and find me in your blood
And I gather from every paradise your wishes
And I plant you in the depths of my soul and smell you
And I bring you from my farthest reaches and anchor in your ports
And I sail with you to the sea of ​​the sun and scatter I gather you
And draw a small wing and ascend to your highness
And I complain of my heart's thirst, you rain on me and I embrace you
In the tale of the gazelle I find talk of you
And in the tale of wandering you scatter me and I gather you

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. It is not enough for Us

    To smell the ether and feel The touch

    We require flesh to add to this love

    In Our arms

    On Our lips

    Inside Our self

    One means All

    Not just this

    Do We understand my Love?

    Stars are aligning....

    Will We meet?

    1. Your presence is enough for me, a soul mixed with my soul
      Your presence is enough for me, blood running inside my veins
      You are enough for me, my taste, my perfume, and my longing
      You are enough for me, the air I breathe whenever my breath is tight
      You are my cup, you are the water, and you are the clouds in my atmosphere
      You are the sea when I reach out my hand to pick oysters and pearls
      You are a forest of coral, and you, O pomegranate flower
      A poem I always repeat whenever your absence is prolonged
      Slow down, O friend of the heart
      Slow down, O companion of the pulse
      Slow down, O meem that my lips embrace
      Slow down, O spoiled child
      O beautiful planted one growing from two roses
      O jasmine watered by the water of the sky
      Slow down to the songs coming from the stars
      O shining planet swimming in the lavish heights
      O most beautiful melody that the guitar, flute, and violin have not played
      Congratulations to us on your return
      Congratulations to us on your presence



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