بالفوضى ابتديتي
7 مارس 2014 |
وفيي ثنايا الصمت رحتي ومن غياباته نبعتي
واختفيتي في جروحي
تنشدني كل المسائل
يختلج فيني سؤالي
اقتنعتي وامتنعتي
اهمسي في الوصل مره
مثل همسك للخمائل
وعبري ضفاف القطيعه ومن رفدها ماشفعتي
سكنتي اطلال الرحيل
بين الشام وبين حائل
في اتون الهجر صرتي وفي أتونه انطبعتي
نشرت كالصدى شوقي
ما ابي لغيرك بدائل
بالفوضى جيتي لحياتي ملكتيها وانقطعتي
You started with chaos
And you came to me like letters and messages
You went into the folds of silence, and you came from his absence
And you disappeared into my wounds
All the questions, she asks me about you
I am confused by my question
You were convinced and abstained
Whisper in the meeting once
Like whispering to roses
The banks of estrangement, come and cross them
Do not intercede for those who insist on boycotting
You lived in the ruins of departure
Between the Levant and between enormous
You became in the furnace of abandonment, and in its furnace you became imprinted
I published like an echo my longing
I don't want to replace you
With chaos you came into my life
You owned my life and then you broke up with me