يا كني ماعرفته يوم لاذ بي وطاح
كلما انفردت به انادي تعال ويصحي
كنه طفل سويت له من الجفون وشاح
اغني له بتهويده عن لا يسمع الكلام السطحي
لعله يرتاح من البكى وانا معه ارتاح
I change the face of the conversation if it revolves around my wound
It's as if I didn't know him when he took refuge in me and fell
Whenever I am alone with him, I call him to come and wake up
As if he were a child, I made a scarf for him from my eyelids
Sing him a lullaby so he can't hear the superficial talk
Perhaps he will be relieved from crying, and I will be relieved with him