
الخميس، 30 أبريل 2020

by Christiane Bonicel

 الضباب ما سر  حزنه الغامض ؟

Michael Reardon - watercolor fountain

لا ابحث عن نجاة , لكني سئمت التاريخ , لوعرفت ميلادي لأشعلت الليل صراخا محتد , ولو عرفت موتي لعقدت انشوطة حذائه عن لا يتعثر


اتذكرهم جيدا الى حد انني لم اعد أسأل عنهم , تماما مثل الارض حين تراك , تسألك انت من اللذين في باطني ام ما زلت تمشي على وجهي 

You can say

You can say that they are desires of life
Their souls can dwell in you and resort to them
But they left, leaving you with an endless road
Whenever you felt painful nostalgia
Tribes come to you from tears
They shine brightly in your heart
They have identified their places for you that you cannot pass
And not all intentions are valid
Your grief was a story about your bleeding wound
Stories were the last way to die
The light was their speech and in their lips longing
 They never forget that you loved them
And they realized that they are the clouds that return whenever they want
You should not call them before they are about to come
That happens forever
And if it seems to you from far away
Prepare the eyes for the water on the pages of your eyelids
But you will never narrate

C r e a t i v e W o n d e r: Truly dramatic lands and skies . . . breathtaking . . . James Naughton . Bolton . England

تعبت جدا , ولم استطيع السقوط , هذا الظل يسندني , كيف احتطبه ؟ 


الشيء الذي اشعر به في غيابك , هذا البرد 


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