
الخميس، 6 يونيو 2024

مروـــــــــــــــ كما ايام They passed like days

انا شفتهم مروا
 من هنيا .... بعيني ذي
على شفى الاجفان ....... اتركوا لنا دمعه 
نزفناها وهي من مي 
دمعه وحيده ...... والغيوم احزان
تنزفنا .... ونبكيها .... بوادر ري
 جرحتنا ولا نسيناها ..... قديمه حي
انا شفتهم ايام ..... يا ايام .... والايــــــــــام بيادر توق ..... تجمعنا ..... بطوارف ضي 
انا شفتهم بعيني ذي ولا التفتوا 
وكنتي كلهم انتي ..... ضياء وفي
ولا مروا على جرحي ... على ظلي ... على جسري .... على جسري .... درب مهجور وجبل منفي
خلونا في منافينا ..... نحاكي الطيف ... رتم محكي
واتركوا لنا دمعه .... واخذنا من لحنهم حتف ... وعطر وحرف ... نتفقدهم وجيناهم ولقينا شي 
شي يشبه اغصان الشجر يأشر على الغيمه .... والغيمه مع الترحال ... وانادي يا سفر خذني من احزاني ابى افرح بي .... ابي انسى .... منافي الشمس .... منافي الليل تتعبني ترهقني ظوتني طي .... وليالي الصيف يا حلوه اقصد انتي الحلوه
ولا انتي لي يا ايام
 وصرت اشك في روحي .... اا راني حي 
هل اراني حي

I saw them pass
From here....with my own eyes On the edge of the eyelids.......they left us a tear We bled it while it was made of water A single tear...and the clouds are sorrows We bleed....and we make her cry....signs of irrigation It hurt us and we have never forgotten it.....old and alive I saw them for days... oh days... and the days are signs of longing... that bring us together... in bright circles I saw them with my own eyes and they did not turn around And you were all you.....dia and shadow And they did not pass over my wound... over my shadow... over my bridge... over my bridge... a deserted path and an exiled mountain. Leave us in exile... let's talk about the spectrum... rhyme is spoken And they left us a tear.... and we took from their tune death... and fragrance and character... We inspected them, and we came to them and found something. Something that looks like tree branches pointing at the cloud.... And the cloud is with the journey... And I call out, O traveler, take me from my sorrows. I refuse to rejoice in me.... I refuse to forget.... I am away from the sun.... I am away from the night, it tires me out, my voice exhausts me.. ..And summer nights, sweetie, I mean you are pretty Nor are you mine, O days I began to doubt my soul.... Oh, I am alive Did he see me alive?


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