البكى وحده سالني ليه تاخذني معك
واختفيتي وتكبر بعيني المدينه
صدقيني قبل افقدك احس انها قريه صغيره
يمكن اصغر من عشرة بيوت وشارعين
كيف القاك ؟والمسافه صارت ضياعات ومنافي
كيف اسال ؟ والمتاهه سور وعتمة وباب طافي
البكى وحده سالني ليه تاخذني معك
ليه تزعجني عيوني ومالي قدره اقربك
انت اقرب !انت ابعد ! انت اكثر شي مربك
القاني بدربك رحيل بلا كلل .... والوجهات غيمه
القاني بغربه والمسافر بي وطن والمسافه احباب
كيف مرو بي ورحلت معهم ..... المسهم هنيا
بين الضلوع وبين محجر عيوني ربيع
وبيني وبينهم نجعة واسراب الغياب
البكى وحده سالني ليه تاخذني معك
Alone, crying, he asked me why you took me with you
And you disappeared......and the city grew bigger in my eyes
Believe me, before I lose you, I feel like it was a small village
It could be smaller than ten houses and two streets
How did I meet you? And the distance became loss and exile
How do I ask? The maze is a wall, darkness, and a closed door
Alone, crying, he asked me why you took me with you
Why do my eyes bother me and I don't have the ability to be close to you?
You are closer! You are farther! You are the most confusing thing
I find myself in your path tirelessly leaving.... and the destinations are cloudy
I find myself in exile, the traveler has a homeland, and the distance is loved ones
How did they pass by me and I left with them..... Touch them here
Between my ribs and my eye sockets, like spring
And between me and them there is travel and swarms of absence
Alone crying asked me why you took me with you
You know where to find me...should you want to watch me sleep you are welcome. It is comforting
حذف( They are out of sight and the days keep them busy
As for the heart?! No, by God, they were not absent
Yes, they went too far, which is burning me
But despite this distance, they are loved ones )
Let us sip from every foaming song and from every flute of alienation
Let's go inside with sincere hearts
Let's go with the call
Don't think we have forgotten you, but what reminded you of us?
Despite the passing nights, I sipped my plain coffee while my mind wandered
We had reddit songs and I left a flute playing pure flutes with them
I was the first to wait and you were the first to leave
I have room for sadness and thirst, and you have room for the river, birdsong, and beautiful smiles
I stopped writing and stopped crying, but I am reassured that you are fine
Shows me how you know nothing. Reassure yourself of lies for I'm not fine. I see myself back out. There's no more searching for comfort nor empathy of any kind. Be well. Goodbye
حذفWhy would you be surprised if the sadness became calm?
حذفThe dimension is one...even if its details are many
My friend, if you laugh out of sadness...it's normal
There is no more sadness worth crying for...
You know nothing of the worth of my sadness nor the truth of my heart.
حذفChoose your assumptions more. Carefully