
الجمعة، 1 مايو 2020

Leaving before leaving الرحيل قبل الرحيل

لا تدعوني للرحيل.... لقد رحلت قبل رحيلك
سأرحل من قبل على الطريق الذي لا يوصلني إليك
لا يهمني إن كان اللقاء قصيراً أم طويلاً
لقد اهتممت باستقبالك، وقلبي سبقني بالقدوم إليك
يا للأسف: كيف أفسد السهر حلمي الجميل
يا للأسف: لم أكن أعلم أنني مثل أي شيء مهمل بالنسبة لهم
يا قصيدتي: لا تفتح الجراح، فلم يبق إلا القليل من النزيف
تعال لنبحث عن وجهة... وجهة لن يسألك فيها أحد من أنت
مر الوقت ولم أعلم أنني أريد المستحيل
لقد علمني أصدقائي وعائلتي الحب النقي
فلا الأرض أرضي ولا وجوه أحبّتي
النهر ليس نهري، وليس للأشجار ظل يؤويني
أنا الصحراء التي حلمت بالمطر منذ قليل
كان حلمي جزيرة نائية وسحابة وأرخبيل
يا ليل طويل المسافة مظلمة وكئيبة
هل ستشرق شمس الغد لنهتم بالرحيل؟
أريد أن أبتعد لأن هديل الحمام يؤذيني
أعتقد أنه فقد أحباءه مثلي، ولهذا السبب فهو يبكي
لا سبيل إلى لقائهم، ولا أمل، والحياة قصيرة
لا أعرف لماذا الوقت شحيح وبخيل إلى هذا الحد

Don't call me to leave.... I left before you left
I'm leaving before on the road that doesn't take me to you

I don't care if the meeting was short or long
I was interested in receiving you, and my heart preceded me in coming to you

What a pity: how staying up late was ruined with my beautiful dream
What a pity: I did not know that I was like any neglected thing to them

Oh, my poem: Do not open wounds, there is only a little bleeding left
Come let's look for a destination...a destination where no one will ask you who you are

Time passed and I did not know that I wanted the impossible
Pure love was taught to me by my friends and family

Neither the earth is my land nor the faces of my loved ones
The river is not my river, and the trees do not have a shade to give me shelter

I am the desert that dreamed in the rain a little while ago
My dream was a remote island, a cloud, and an archipelago

O long night, the distance is dark and gloomy
Will the sun rise tomorrow for us to care about leaving?

I want to get away because the cooing of pigeons hurts me
I think he lost his loved ones like me, so that's why he's crying

There is no way to meet them, there is no hope, and life is short
I don't know why time is so scarce and miserly

هناك 4 تعليقات:

  1. Please...I would know the shape of you blind. If that's your silhouette I need to know

    1. A man came to Blind Bin Burd asking him about another man's house. The blind bin Burd pointed in the direction in which he could find the address he was looking for.
      The man said: Take me to him yourself.
      The blind man bin Burd said: But I am a blind man.
      The man said: I will take your hand and you will guide me
      Blind bin Burd said: His statement
      The blind leads the seeing, but God does not guide you
      The one to whom the blind were guiding has gone astray

    2. I am the most alone woman you should be able to see...yet you do not see the loyal heart I hold out in my palms, bleeding out for you. I don't believe you ever will now. So what more could I do? I am either with you or I die alone without another's hand holding my own. You seem iron clad that I die alone and without you wish. All messages received.


    3. Messages die in the wind
      The letters will cry in grief over the amputation of the postman's feet
      I feel the pain of the trees and the woodcutter's fear of the extreme cold
      Bring all your pains
      I am the hunchback who carries the worries of the mountain



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