Like a strange wish...that we would meet by chance...and live like two books on the shelf of an abandoned shack
كتوأم للعين
اذا انسرب من احديهما قطره
طفحت الاخرى ليفيضا معا
لأنتِ القلب المشطور الى اثنين
الا ان شطري الاشقى بك
Because you are the heart split in two
Like a twin for the eye
If a drop leaks from one of them
The other overflowed to overflow together
But my two parts are the most miserable of you
الجبل يخفي جراحه بالحجاره الصغيره بعد الزلزال
الشجر يخفي جراحه بالصمغ بعد طعنة الفأس
الحديد يخفي جراحه بالصدأ بعد ان انكشف ضعفه
يخفي الإنسان جراحه بالإبتسامة بعد يأسه
الكاتب يخفي تنهيدته بفاصله بعد ان شعر بالغصة
A person hides his wounds with a smile after his despair
The mountain hides its wounds with small stones after the earthquake
Trees hide their wounds with glue after being struck by an axe
Iron hides its wounds with rust after its weakness has been revealed
The writer hides his sigh with a comma after he felt the sting
حائلات دونها 3
السماء والبحر والفقر
ذلك الاخيركأنه الطود
قدميه في إلألب ورأسه بجلق
وفي الشرق يفتل من شعثه مقلاع
صرخته هزيم والوميض احتراق
And in the east, a slingshot is braided from its hair
Obstacles to it 3
Sky, sea and poverty
That last one is like a mountain
His feet are in the Alps and his head is the Himalayas
His scream was rumbling and the flash was burning
مدي يد الوصل واعرضي عن جناية ما فعلتها