
الاثنين، 12 فبراير 2024

النسيان الاثم Sinful forgetfulness

 لم يكن النسيان وفيا 

لقد تعاهدنا على مسح الصور واذابة الكلمات بماء النار 

عاد ينبش وينفخ عنها الغبار ويبكي 

    Forgetting was not faithful. We pledged to erase the pictures and dissolve the words with fire water, so he began digging again, dusted them off, and cried.

هناك 8 تعليقات:

  1. لعل اليوم أفضل ..
    لعل الفرح آت ڪ المطر نشعر ببرودتة
    والهم راحل ڪ الموت بلا رجعة
    ڪنت أقول لأمي المجد لـــ النسيان
    وڪانت تقول لي ..
    إنما الذڪرى إذ مرّت ..
    لها لسعة شوق
    تستدرج القلب إلى غائب لايُنسى فـــ يسقط النسيان
    ڪذبت .. وصدقت أمي
    دام قلمك🌹
    𝓐 𝓨 𝓐 𝓜· ·❥ ·

    1. تمنيت .... هكذا خذلنا النسيان
      المطر والعطر والملامح ... في كل ما يحيطنا ولا نقوى تجاهلها ولا عذر لدينا
      كيف نحارب التوق والنسيان هزيل
      لا نتذكر اخطاءهم ونريدهم لنا مغفره
      نظراتهم لا نفسرها الا بالرقة وكلماتهم لا نمل تردادها
      يجيئون خلسة ويغادرون قبل ان نصرخ بهم نحبكم نحبكم
      صدقنا نحن وفازت في الحق امك
      دمتما ودام سعدي بوجدك 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

    2. Do not wish to forget. Anything. Anyone. Your memories are the pieces of your complete story. No one piece is can be discarded without the collapse of your life's work. Everything matters. Everyone in memory matters. For once choose what you can't forget. Maybe you remember so steadfast and strong because your destiny was directed one direction.....but you took another path that was only a round about or the long way.....home


    3. You touch my wound but you do not give me medicine. You touch my scream but you block the echo
      I see your beautiful face preparing to welcome March. I see your clouds raining perfume over the mountains of Eghtarabi.
      You built a beautiful cabin for yourself in my memory. I will take your words with me as I head toward the sunset
      I will tell the sun that there is a woman who shines on the poems
      You are welcome, Melody. Thank you

    4. I dread March. I lost my heart and with him he took March away. I lost my life on one Easter Sunday. Rose in 3 days from a coma. You dance around my pain yet demand me be gentle with yours....fitting no? You assume too much when you think you know my hearts poems...if you knew me then your heart would be beating with mine. My grief overtakes the skies with the vastness of it and you have the audacity to tell me to only smile. Smile? I have nothing to smile about. You see me alone. You just don't fathom how alone it gets .....before it's all darkness with no hope.....I know. I've killed myself gets dark.

    5. Time is the most valuable currency known....all I wanted was time. Not the past chapters. New ones. With you. My family. MY FAMILY!

      I guess that's too steep a price for you to part with though.

      The only thing we can never get back is TIME.

      So live your life as if we never came about....this family you created and forgot.

      I'm hurt.

      But you have all your time in the world right....

      Mine is emptying the sands too quickly anyway.

      I've run out while you pretend not to notice the clock has stopped


    6. You are right, ma'am. There is a proverb that says:
      Time is like sword if you do not cut it, it will cut you
      Time and tide wait for no one
      As for me, I have nothing to lose and I am not sorry for my past life. I lived it the way it should be, whether in poverty or in wealth, it doesn't matter.
      But you know that losing something does not bring it back. i can't give what me don't have. I have a heart that loves everyone, I have a mind that ignores, and I have beautiful friends. Sometimes we agree and sometimes we completely disagree, as if you and then my beautiful lady, the sand does not grow roses and the mirage does not quench our thirst, but the presence of friends like you gives us a beautiful and wonderful world.

    7. I had friends....they all died.

      I had a husband...he was stolen

      You see....I have no one.

      You see this.

      Why did you return only to break my hope and heart yet another time?

      Why did you say you love me then thrash me with your words


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