ازعم اني لست وحيد ولا تراودني عيني على رؤيتكلكن الحقول بعيدة تعلم بقيدي
مالذي قالته حتى بكته عناصر جسدي
ممزق يكأن فزاعة الحقل ترتديني
اشيح بوجهي الى الشمال ولا اراها
اسمع هسيس خافت وتحلق فوق امواجها الطيور
تتماوج ووشوشة السنابل نايات تجرح قلبي
تدعوني اليها كل صباح
تلوح لي ان آذار قادم
مالذي يستطيع فعله لاجلنا معا
من روحه مصقولة بالتوق اليها يتذكرها
نتدثر التناهيد ونتوسد ملح لازج
نزعم اننا وحيدين كذا كنا
غرباء ووحيدين
I claim that I am not alone and I do not want to see you
But the fields far away know of my fate
What did she say that made the elements of my body cry?
Torn as if the scarecrow of the field was wearing me
I turn my face to the north and do not see her
I hear a faint hiss and birds fly above its waves
The waving and whispering of ears of corn are flutes that hurt my heart
She invites me to her every morning
It seems to me that March is coming
What can he do for us together?
From his soul, polished by longing for her, he remembers her
We cover ourselves with sighs and are covered with sticky salt
We claim that we are alone as we were
Strangers and alone