ما مرك السرب الذي , في آخر رفيفه آنين
ما مركم يا اهل النقا , من قبل سويعات المسا
ذاك الذي بقلبي عبث , وبدى ينزفني من الوتين
ثم غاب في غيمة غروب , ليته ما مر ولا عسى
Did (swarms) pass by you, which flap at the end of their wings moanin?
O people of purity, did the (swarms) pass by you?
minutes before evening
Those (crowds) that messed with my heart,
It made me bleed from the veins
Those (swarms) got lost in the sunset cloud,
I hope it passes
Please passES me by