
الأربعاء، 4 سبتمبر 2024

ذكرياتك الحيه Your living memories

عقل العياش

 لدي ذكرياتك الحيه

الجميله وبعض احزاني 
اعلم انها في غيابي الآتي ستتلاشى
طالما انك انزويتي , لا يهم من يقرأها حين ادونها
هنا تركت كل شيء 
الاغاني التي احببتها حين وخلجات نفسي حين يذكرني بك شيء ما
اي شيء حتى الصور 
لكن الهدوء شيء قاتل
فوق هذه الدفاتر احدث فوضى من رماد السجائر وبقع القهوة 
كلها ستبقى كذكرى لا يهم من يمر عليها
لقد ملائتها بك ونحن في الخارج 

I have your vivid memories

The beautiful ones and some of my sorrows

I know that in my coming absence they will fade

As long as you are isolated, it doesn't matter who reads them when I write them down

Here I left everything

The songs I loved when and the feelings of my soul when something reminds me of you

Anything even pictures

But silence is a deadly thing

On these notebooks I make a mess of cigarette ashes and coffee stains

All of it will remain as a memory no matter who passes by

I filled it with you while we were outside

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. When we realize Time holds no surety nor importance to eternity, we understand that our words, written or spoken, with intention to imprint legacy, will always and eventually find eyes, ears and soul....every word matters. Remember who you are and who you are not. Always with love. M - 🎶

    1. If it wasn't for Melody, I would have said that the one who came after the absence is Melody
      I still remember her as the most beautiful memories
      Melody is a song I loved and don't ask me why
      I loved her like that without reason
      I returned to where Melody came to me
      But that place became jealous of me so it kept me away from the place where I used to read Melody's poems
      I am happy tonight as I received good news that Melody is here and she is fine
      It is enough for me that I am reassured about her
      I ask God that Melody is fine
      Welcome, my lady


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