
الأربعاء، 27 نوفمبر 2024

I will meet myself

عقل العياش

 Give me the price of my alienation Give me the price of my eagerness

Give me the price of this sigh of pain

If you don't give, let me look at the horizon

I want to reach the farthest place with oblivion

I don't want to be awake

I want to polish my misery to be a sharp dagger

Perhaps open a paved road from my wound

The journey will be easy and smooth

The departure will be worthy of this gloom

I will reach the evening and the endles calm

I will get the sunrise in all its glory

I fear that another day will come from the signs of our awakening

I began to fear meeting my beloved because she will be sad

I began to imagine that my hands have hawk feathers

I began to imagine that I am a mirage and water

Yes, I feared that my beloved would see me

So I denied this desire for fear of her sadness or her denial of my appearance

And I saw that escaping Worse

And I saw that reality is worse

My cup of alienation was filled before my dream settled

Thus life passed as the clouds passed

I began to fear coincidence

All the trees remind me of my country

All the beautiful women remind me of my beloved

And thus our dreams were scattered

I regretted that life was not satisfied with her coffee

My lungs were not satisfied with her perfume

The sound of the waves is hurtful

Between the high and low tides my body and heart were consumed

And I knew that my beloved would not come and that silence would devour me and tear me apart

Alienation was an obstacle and union was forbidden

But I knew how to hear myself and I knew when to cry

But speaking in a loud voice is suspicious

I have come now to play hymns to the wind

I have come now to be a musical choir with the wheat ears

We will triumph over the sickles and let them depart in peace

We will leave the price due to us and calm down

We will weave Perfumed by spring and wearing a rain shroud

I will meet myself when I find my beloved

الاثنين، 25 نوفمبر 2024

انت You

عقل العياش

غيمة خريفية وحيدة تذكرك في بلادك البعيده

اغنية تاهت في زحمة الاغاني

 تراها من بعيد فتنادي لها

 لتعيدك من توهانك الحزين

يحيط بك احباطك ورهط وثلة من الغياب 

انت كثير جدا ووحيد

A lonely autumn cloud reminds you of your distant country

A song lost in the crowd of songs

You see it from afar and call out to it

To bring you back from your sad wandering

Your frustration and a crowd and a group of absence surround you

You are very much and alone

الأحد، 24 نوفمبر 2024

تؤرقني It worries me

عقل العياش

 لم انسى بعد , تؤرقني هذه الذاكره , انا الدفتر المملوء بالرحيل والنزف , لم انسى بعد 

I haven't forgotten yet, this memory haunts me, I am the notebook filled with departure and bleeding, I haven't forgotten yet

جناح يعسوب dragonfly wing

عقل العياش

 لا افكر فيكِ مطلقا لانك تسبقين البدايات بومضه 

لم اكتب لك منذ زمن بعيد لان النهايات تفشلها نوبة حنين

ثمة امر آخر لا اريد ان اقوله الآن لكنني سأدونه على جناح يعسوب كرسالة قصيره لحياة مغموسة بالريب لتعيش  بعمر هذا الجناح ونصير منسيين


I never think of you because you precede beginnings with a flash

I haven't written to you for a long time because endings are foiled by a fit of nostalgia

There's something else I don't want to say now but I'll write it on a dragonfly's wing as a short message to a life steeped in doubt to live the life of this wing and become forgotten

خريفية Autumnal

عقل العياش

كيف ترين نفسك وانت توشكين الى غروب لا يعود ابدا

كل النهارات التي وقفتي على اعتابها اغلقت نوافذها

الباب المفتوح صوب القصيدة وقف حزينا ينتظر

فيما كل الاشجار تورق ومكانك تدور حوله الريح والخريف

اغانيه الذهبية تحدث ضجة حولي

لا يمكن ان اجدك وحيدة وغائبة

ايضا لا يفاجئني وجودك نائمة في جفني

كل ما فيني يأتي بك على حين غرة

وكل ما فيني يسأل


كيف ترى نفسها غائبة؟

How do you see yourself when you are about to enter a sunset that will never return?

All the days you stood on their thresholds closed their windows

The open door towards the poem stood sadly waiting

While all the trees are leafing and the wind and autumn revolve around your place

His golden songs make a noise around me

I cannot find you alone and absent

Your presence sleeping in my eyelids also does not surprise me

Everything in me brings you by surprise

And everything in me asks

I wonder

How does it see itself absent?


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