لم يلاحظ احد
كفاحه ضد عينيه
Come and save me from the sea of your travels
If drowning is a blessing, enter me with your secrets
Sadness prevailed in the depths of our poems
Gather my ravings and light your fire
Don't resist nostalgia because you won't be able to
He will bring you back despite the reasons that do not forget you
Even distance cannot erase your loss
Collect your sighs and collect all your regrets
Sing it with a heavenly melody and a turquoise string
Tune the tune with your throat harp
Leave the strings of your voice to the flute and let it raise the volume
I am filled with your loss and I return with your lost poems
I adore you as a thirsty person loves water
Come and plant your garden in my heart
The flame of the sun is less fierce than longing for you
I am like a sunflower that only pays attention to you
So send your flames like messages from sunrise to sunset
بعض التعب المؤجل
والاماني المشتته
تماما كالليل في حالاته مع النجوم
كل هؤلاء يجرهم اليه
يركضون خلفه فيتوسطون قلبه
في الطرف الرمادي من عباءته
ضوء ونجمة وحشد من العيون الذابله
يجمعون الحطب للشمس
ليذوب الدم المرتجف بأطرافهم
من اجل من ؟
يسالون حين يتعبون
لا شيء سوى البرد والجمر