الى ..... ليس هناك داعي ان اذكر اسمك
يكفي ان تدرك الابجدية ما انا ذاهب اليه
لكي اكون اكثر وضوحا لن اضع لرسالتي عنوان
الان اتجرد من الهذيان , كمن يجتث اسباب حسرته
ثمة قبائل تطلب دمي
اما انا مشيت على السطر, اسبر قوافل السماء وامتلىء بالوميض البعيد
آه يا ..... منذ ان كان الليل صديقي , ذهبت معه حتى البسني القمر الفضي لونه
نزحت معه الى الظل , وكتبت اليك عدد لا يحصى مما جهل بعضه وذاب بعضه وسال وانحسر كله عن حطامي
ها انا الان بعيد , ارتخ جسدي
لتنمو على اعطافي سدرة ويحط على اغصانها من لا يعودون من الجنوب
ها انا الان البلاد البعيدة
ها انا طريقك المهجور
without an address
To..... There is no need for me to mention your name
It is enough for the alphabet to realize what I am going to
To be more clear, I will not put a title for my letter
Now I'm stripped of delirium, like someone who uproots the causes of his heartbreak
There are tribes that demand my blood
As for me, I walked on the lines of the poem, exploring the convoys of the sky and being filled with the distant flash
Oh my..... since the night was my friend, I went with him until the silver moon clothed me
I fled with him into the shadows, and I wrote to you an innumerable number of things, some of which I do not know, and some of them melted and flowed, and all of them receded from my wreckage.
Here I am now far away, kneading my body so that a tree may grow on my knuckles and those who do not return from the south may land on its branches.
Here I am now, the far country
Behold, I am your deserted path