كانت مع ازهار الحوى
كانت كل البراري السائحات مع الربيع
كانت تغاريد الصباح السابحات في النسيم
كانت طفوله من براءة , ترضع ثدي الاقحوان
صارت اغاني اليافعين
صارت في اعينهم روان
كانت وصارت ثم مضت
تجدل قصائد من شذر
على منصات فؤادي وقفتها واستوقفت
وقالت نثرا من عبير
كان منطقها حرير
كانت صبا نجد ثم استحالت ياسمين
كانت ولا زالت بلاد
تحبها كل العباد
It was with Hawa flowers
And she was
All the prairies are tourists with spring
And she was
All the morning tweets floating in the breeze
It was a childhood of innocence, breastfeeding Chrysanthemum breast
She became
Young people's songs
And it became
There is astonishment in their eyes
she was And then it happened And then she went on
Weaving poems from golden nuggets
On the platforms of my heart she stood
And she stopped
She said a prose of perfumes
Her logic was silky
she It was the breeze of Najd, then it turned into Jasmine
It was and still is my homeland
She is loved by all people